A world where children are safe and secure
We are making progress. In Kenya, we’ve worked with communities to change attitudes and beliefs about child marriage, ensuring young girls go to school instead. In the Philippines, we’ve reduced child labour in the sugarcane industry.
In South Sudan, we are working with faith leaders and survivors of violence to reduce stigma and change behaviour, resulting in a decrease in violence. Our child protection programmes in Lebanon and Jordan are reaching children left vulnerable by the conflict in Syria. We don’t just help children out of dangerous situations, we work with and among communities to address the root causes of violence such as poverty and social stigma that often lead to abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and other forms of violence against children.
But there’s more to be done. We believe every child deserves a childhood free from violence, to live life in all its fullness, and to become the person we believe God created them to be. We want to help every community build a safety net of loving people to protect children, prevent harm, and ensure that those who are harmed receive the help they need to recover.
By 2030, the world has pledged to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children through the Sustainable Development Goals.
Care for Children & Old Age International’s global campaign, It takes a world to end violence against children, is catalysing a global movement of people committed to keeping children safe from harm and violence. The campaign is our promise to children to do everything we can to see that happen
Together we’ve impacted the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty.
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